Two new phones will be released tomorrow globally. Himanshu Tandon has announced two new models will come with exclusives in India. The phones will be released globally but only Indian users are going to have extended period of warranty time. Himanshu Tandon is working as country head in POCO company, he’s India’s country head also he is currently working as sales lead of POCO India (Xiaomi Group Company). He is managing the sales of POCO Smartphones on Flipkart shopping company.
POCO F4 and POCO X3 Pro warranty periods
POCO F4 5G will come with 2 years of warranty period meanwhile POCO X3 Pro only with 6 months of extended warranty. Himanshu Tandon also announced Xiaomi will have more than 2000 services across the whole India.
With that being said Xiaomi wants to care about the devices after they are being sold. Both phones will be announced tomorrow but extended warranty options are available in India only. Xiaomi starts to take care of India especially.
POCO F4’s back design is pretty familiar with the Redmi Note 11 series with a different camera layout. And the corners of the phone is a little more boxier. Read all the comments, specifications and look at the images of POCO F4 5G in this section.
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