Xiaomi TV EA Pro series was launched in China on Sunday, June 12. The new TV by the Chinese company comes in three sizes- 55-, 65-, and 75-inch sizes and carries features including DTS-X and MEMC motion compensation. The TVs sport 4K metal full-screen and are equipped with a MediaTek processor. Xiaomi TV EA Pro series has been launched at a starting price of 1,999 Yuan for 55 inches which roughly converts to $296. Let’s have a look at its features and specs.
Xiaomi TV EA Pro series Features and Specs
The Xiaomi TV EA Pro series adopts a full-screen design with the bezel less than 2mm. The screen-to-body ratio for the 55-inch version is 95.1%, 95.8% for the 65-inch version, and 96.1 % for the 75-inch version. The fuselage features a Unibody metal integrated-moulding process, while the frame and backplane are more integrated.
As for the display, the Xiaomi TV Pro series has a resolution of 3840×2160, supports 4K HDR decoding, resulting in more distinct image layers as well as improved brightness and clarity.
The TV also features MEMC motion compensation, a 1 billion primary color display and E3. In addition, it has Xiaomi’s self-developed image quality adjustment technology, which uses system and hardware configuration to optimize the performance of images. There are specific enhancements in terms of clarity, color, light and dark levels, etc., to make the picture quality clearer and more transparent.
The TV boasts a built-in high-power stereo, DTS sound decoding, and a 15-segment intelligent balanced sound system to provide a more immersive audio-visual experience.
In terms of performance, the Xiaomi TV EA Pro is powered by the MT9638 chip, which is capable of handling daily multitasking and high-frequency screen operations with ease. The storage capacity is 2GB+16GB. It supports dual-band Wi-Fi, and it runs the MIUI TV 3.0 operating system.
As far as interfaces are concerned, Xiaomi TV EA Pro offers 2*HDMI (including an ARC), 2*USB, AV-in, S/PDIF, antenna and network cable interfaces.