WhatsApp offers a feature called WhatsApp Web that allows you to use it on PC over browser, however WhatsApp Web on the phone is also possible with certain tricks. With this feature, simply by scanning a QR code, you can have access to your messages and all the WhatsApp features on any platform you are using, whether it is Windows, Linux, MacOS or even Android and iOS but we will be focusing on the mobile platforms in this content.
What is Whatsapp Web?
WhatsApp Web is a web-based version of the WhatsApp messenger app. It allows you to use WhatsApp on your computer or laptop, just like you would on your phone. WhatsApp Web requires an active internet connection and can be used on any modern web browser. To use WhatsApp Web, simply go to the WhatsApp Web website and scan the QR code with your phone. Once you’re logged in, you’ll be able to view all of your chats and messages just like you would on your phone. You can also send new messages using WhatsApp Web. Best of all, WhatsApp Web is completely free to use! So if you’re looking for a way to stay connected with your friends and family, whatsapp web is definitely worth checking out.
WhatsApp Web on the Phone
Android app developers have been long creating apps specifically designed for the use of WhatsApp web over the phone, which can be used in order to have access to an account that was logged in on another device. These apps can be found and installed through Play Store. You may notice that there are a lot of them, and you can use any one of them to sign in to the WhatsApp account logged in on the other device.
We will go with Whats Web for WhatsApp app as an example, but the main principal of how to use these apps are still practically the same. Once you have installed one of these apps, open it from your launcher, Go into the relevant section of the app that provides you a barcode image. This section on Whats Web for WhatsApp app is called Whats Web. it may be under different section on your app, or in the main screen.
Once you are there, open the WhatsApp account on the other device, go into WhatsApp settings and tap on the QR icon on top-right corner. You will see a tab that says Scan QR, scan the image on the WhatsApp Web application and that account will be signed in on the app, and you are ready to use WhatsApp Web on the phone. However, these apps may not be desirable for you as they come with a lot of annoying ads or they may not simply be available for your mobile platform, such as iOS.
In the case where you wish to use WhatsApp Web on the phone through just browser, all you need to do is open your browser, go into https://web.whatsapp.com and get into the desktop view. Once you are in desktop view, you will come across with a barcode image. Open the WhatsApp account on the other device, go into settings, tap on QR icon on top-right corner and scan that barcode image. That is pretty much all. You can now use your WhatsApp account on web on another device.
So what do you think? Will you start using it now? Do not forget to share your idea in the comments below. And if you are looking for more ways to improve your messaging strategy, be sure to check out our other posts on Whatsapp marketing. Thanks for reading! If you are interested in WhatsApp, WhatsApp and Telegram War: What has WhatsApp Stolen? could also be of interest to you!