Xiaomi’s user interface, MIUI exceeds 600 million monthly active users globally!

Xiaomi’s user interface, MIUI, has achieved a remarkable milestone by surpassing 600 million monthly active users worldwide! We can say that Xiaomi is one of the fastest growing phone company.

The vast majority of Xiaomi phones come preinstalled with MIUI Android skin. Although MIUI had bugs when it was first introduced, it has undergone continuous improvement, transforming into a stable and reliable Android user interface. Its notable strengths lie in its smooth performance and too many customization options.

MIUI reaches 600 million monthly active users

In Xiaomi’s recent announcement, it was revealed that the number of monthly active users has exceeded 600 million. While reaching 500 million from 400 million took 10 months, the journey from 500 million to 600 million users took approximately 1.5 years. Although the growth rate has slightly slowed compared to the previous milestone, MIUI continues to attract new people.

Considering the world population of around 8 billion, the figure of MIUI’s 600 million monthly users is undeniably noteworthy. Additionally, while there are various custom ROMs available for Xiaomi devices, a significant portion of users opt for MIUI as their preferred choice.

What do you think about Xiaomi and MIUI? Please comment down below!

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