How To Increase The Volume Level On Android Devices

Sometimes, you just plug your headphones in and listen to the music with full sound on, vibing with the max volume, but what if the sound level is not enough for you?

We’re going to show the ways on how you can increase your volume level.

1. Use an Equalizer

There are a WHOLE LOT of equalizer apps cruising through Google Play Store. Most of them doesn’t work though. If you have an OEM device (Samsung, Oppo, Oneplus, Xiaomi), those devices must already have a built-in equalizer app installed. Go ahead and try to find your perfect match in audio.

There are also music apps that has built-in equalizer systems inside, AIMP and Poweramp are the perfect example for that.

There’s also Google Sound Amplifier, that also is an equalizer/amplifier app.

You can also try Dolby Atmos/Viper4Android, but you would need to root your device in order to try those.

You can click here into seeing how you can use Dolby and Viper4Android in your mobile device.

What is Equalizer (EQ)?

The human ear can detect vibrations from 20Hz to 20.000Hz, which that 20.000Hz is nothing but a faint whine. Equalizer is here for boosting or like the title says, equalizing these frequencies.

Decibels (dB) is the unit of measurement used to express the volume level/loudness. Moving the sliders on the EQ up and down would increase and decrease the loudness of the frequency.

Let’s get to the Frequency names.

  • Sub-Bass (20 to 50Hz)
  • Bass (50 to 200Hz)
  • Upper bass to lover mid-range (200 to 800Hz)
  • Mid-range (800 to 2kHz)
  • Upper Mids (2 to 4 kHz)
  • Presence/sibilance register (4 to 7kHz)
  • Open Air (12 to 16kHz)

You can play with those values to make yourself the best or the loudest listening experience.


2.Buy a Decent Headphones/Speakers

There are a lot of brands that produces top shelf speakers and headphones that gives a strong amount of volume, try the one that is in your likings and buy it straight away.

We have listed the best headphones/speakers under $100. You can see the speakers’ listings by clicking here and the headphones’ listings by clicking here.

Everything in your headphones and speakers must be top quality for having the best sound experience, so we only listed the best of the best.

3. Xiaomi Speaker Cleaning Service

Xiaomi has started this service for it’s newer devices to get rid of the dust in their devices’ speakers by reproducing high-frequency audio, it is capable of removing any dust or water particles that obstruct the speaker of our smartphone. A quite useful service, which we can perform on the Redmi Note 8 Pro , the Xiaomi Mi 10 and practically any other new Xiaomi mobile device.

Here are the screenshots of this feature.



There aren’t many more solutions than those solutions we gave you. These are the perfect ways that you can increase your volume or increase your sound quality in your Android device.

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