We can get root access with Magisk. Magisk has its bad as well as its good sides. For example most users can’t uses bank apps because of Magisk. Or some games can’t opening because of Magisk. There are many ways to uninstall Magisk. In this article you will learn how to uninstall Magisk?
Uninstall Magisk via Magisk App
If you don’t know what Magisk looks like it’s a green icon.
When you enter in Magisk you will see “Uninstall Magisk“ text written with red.Tap the Uninstall Magisk button. After that tap “Complete Uninstall”.
After tapping the Complete Uninstall button your phone will restart in 5 seconds. After that magisk will be uninstalled.
Uninstall Magisk With TWRP
Another way to uninstall Magisk. First download the magisk. It will start downloading as an APK file. After download, rename file with extension. “uninstaller.zip” like that.
Then enter the TWRP via power + volume up combination or ADB commands. Doesn’t matter.
After entering the TWRP tap “install” button
And you will see your files. Find “uninstaller.zip” in your files. And tap on it.
After tapping the “uninstaller.zip” you will see a slider. Slide it to right. And wait for uninstalling the Magisk.
When it completed you will see this output message. tap “Reboot System”.
When your phone booted, the Magisk was uninstalled. But Magisk app may stay on your phone. Uninstall it like deleting a normal app.
Uninstall Magisk With PC
First of all you have to install ADB drivers. And stock boot.img of your current ROM.
Boot the phone to Fastboot mode and open CMD. Then type “fastboot devices”.
You must see your phone like that. If you have a problem with Fastboot go to Fastboot Errors and Fixes article.
Copy your boot.img to desktop. go to CMD and type “fastboot flash boot”, but don’t tap enter. Drag your boot.img to CMD window. must be like that.
Then you can tap the enter button. After tapping the enter button you will see this output message.
Then type “fastboot reboot” for reboot to system.
After uninstalling Magisk by any means, you can use your bank apps without any warning. And you can play your games without any problem. If you don’t want to uninstall Magisk also you can use Magisk Hide or Zygisk. But sometimes Magisk Hide is not working well. Uninstalling Magisk is better solution.