About Xiaomiui

Xiaomiui is the most popular Xiaomi community, who’s mission is to give you the most accurate info on leaks, new products, releases and more. Our main goal is to be your main source for news related to technology, whether it be about Xiaomi, or any other brand. We’re a small group of people from all around the world, who try to make sure that you’re receiving the latest news, about new product releases, updates, custom ROMs, leaks, and more. We’ve been working hard at our Xiaomi community mission since 2017, and have amassed a large following, and we hope that it will get larger each coming day. We gather our information from secret and accurate sources and our main object is to please you, the reader.

This is not an official Xiaomi website. The Xiaomi and the MIUI name are property on Xiaomi. This website belongs to Xiaomiui, the largest unofficial fan community. We keep lots of Xiaomi news, reviews and leaks for our followers.

The Xiaomiui Team

Burak Mete Erdoğan

General Manager

I sold Xiaomiui. I'm no longer connected.

Emir Bardakçı

Editor in Chief

21 years old Metareverse technician and graphic designer.

Erdil Sualp Bayram

Social Media Manager

A xiaomi lover.

Aadil Gillani

Content Finder

Engaged, Creative computer science Pakistani student who in his free time analyzes MIUI System Apps in order to remove bugs & optimize UI & UX

Alperen Arabacı

News Writer

An article writer, loves technology and software.

Deniz Kalkan

News Writer

Nonbinary tech enthusiast. I write for xiaomiui.

Kadir Can Akıncı

Content Writer

I am a tech enthusiast, love the phones and their cameras even more, currently studying computer science in Turkey. You can reach me out through mail.

Erencan Yılmaz

Content Writer

My name is Erencan Yılmaz. I follow technology closely and bring new news to our followers. You can ask your curious questions from my twitter account.

Barış Kırmızı

Content Writer

An article writer that is pretty average in typing. Also a java developer that makes stuff what works or what not.

Furkan Çakmak

News Writer

I'm Furkan from Xiaomiui. I have been conveying news on Xiaomi agenda to our followers, within Xiaomiui for a long time. For your opinions and other feedbacks, you can reach me on many social platforms with my username (@furkancakmak34x). Keep following Xiaomiui for unique and up-to-date contents.

Yigit Emre Yanik

Content Writer

Android phone developer and a content writer about Android.

Mehmet Demirbaş

Content Writer

My name is Mehmet Demirbaş. I enjoy writing a lot, it is very important for me to deliver the most accurate information to people quickly.


Content Writer

My name is Taha, I am 18 years old. I actively follow technology and write articles.


Content Writer

Hello there, I'm Çağan. Just a guy who likes tinkering with devices, and writing articles about them.